What are some safe buying practices?
Like any sought-after products, fakes and replicas exist in the sneaker world. We therefore encourage you to; never hesitate to ask the seller for more information and photos of the item if need be to ensure your comfort, and to always transact in person in a public place to inspect the item before purchase. Keep an eye out for tell-tale signs of potential fakes/replicas such as suspiciously low prices (if it’s too good to be true, it generally is). If you are unsure about a listing, please contact us and we are happy to work with you and the seller to address any clarification requests.
What is Lagait doing to fight fakes?
At this moment, Lagait is not directly involved in transactions between buyers and sellers which prevents us from guaranteeing authenticity every time. However, we have incorporated measures into the platform that allow us to take effective action to ban/report/investigate fraudulent behaviour and minimize repeat offenses, these include; requiring the verification of all phone numbers upon registration, as well as requesting a valid Emirates ID to be provided to enable selling on Lagait. While these measures act as a deterrent and primarily facilitate reactive action to be taken by Lagait to moderate the platform, the Lagait team also actively reviews all new listings for any signs of fraud. It should be noted that the selling of fake goods is a punishable offence under the UAE’s Consumer Protection Laws and carries a maximum sentence of two years in prison with a fine of up to 250,000 AED. Please report any listings you suspect are fake, or if you would like assistance in verifying the authenticity of a sneaker, please contact us and we will do our utmost to provide you with clarity.
How do I buy something I like?
Found an item you like? Just message the seller using the on-platform chat tool to arrange for a spot to meet and transact! All sellers are UAE based so no sneaker should be too far from reach (use the location filter to find items in your Emirate).
Can I sell used sneakers?
As you deal directly with the seller to transact outside of Lagait, it is your responsibility to ensure the item is your size, in acceptable condition (as listed), authentic, or otherwise to your satisfaction before transacting. As such, Lagait is not involved in the transactions themselves, and agreeing to accept a return is at the discretion of the seller.